What is an MRI scan?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a breakthrough in medical technology. This examination is not invasive or painful, and does not require surgical intervention or use of x-radiation. MRI generates a detailed image, which enables physicians to see, among other things, internal organs, blood vessels, muscles, joints, growths, and inflamed areas, and to diagnose physical changes in your body that cannot be detected by other means This examination enables the diagnosis of various diseases (including their early stages), and the formulation of a treatment plan for injuries and diseases. Mor Inside’s MRI apparatus (made by Phillips) is the most advanced in the field, enabling high-resolution images of superb quality to be generated.

Who is eligible?
On the day of the examination, you must bring your previous MRI or CT images, a doctor’s referral letter, and a financial guarantee form (Form No. 17, “tofess shva-esreh”) from your healthcare service (Kupat Holim). f you have a fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), please inform the Customer Service Center, in order to receive guidance.Upon your arrival at the Mor Inside mobile unit, you will be greeted by the receptionist and our professional staff. You will be asked about your medical history and you will receive a short explanation about the examination.Prior to the examination, you will be asked to remove jewelry, prosthetic teeth, glasses, hearing aids, and any clothing that contains metal. If you are to undergo a head examination, it is recommended not to wear any makeup, because some cosmetic products contain metal.

MRI Advantages
An MRI scan does not require the use of X-rays. The images of soft tissue obtained by MRI are clearer and more accurate than those obtained by other imaging techniques, and therefore provide the best information, should the need for surgery arise. MRI enables early detection of many conditions, thus making the treatment more effective.If a tumor is detected, the MRI scan shows its exact location and size, and how much it has spread. The object will be revealed by MRI, even if it is located behind a bone, as opposed to other types of examinations.The contrast material used in the examination (gadolinium) is not iodine based, and therefore causes almost no side effects or allergic responses. The scan itself also causes no side effects.

MRI Scan Preparations
Prior to the examination, you will be asked to remove jewelry, prosthetic teeth, glasses, hearing aids, and any clothing that contains metal. If you are to undergo a head examination, it is recommended not to wear any makeup, because some cosmetic products contain metal.. There will be a qualified technician and a physician for the entire duration of the examination, and they will answer any question you may have. The most important thing that you can do is to be calm, and lie still.

MRI Exam Procedure
- 1
Upon your arrival at the Mor Inside mobile unit, you will be greeted by the receptionist and our professional staff. You will be asked about your medical history and you will receive a short explanation about the examination. you must bring your previous MRI or CT images, a doctor's referral letter, a financial guarantee form (Form No. 17, "tofess shva-esreh") from your healthcare service (Kupat Holim) and you ID.
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After completing the forms will accompany you into the testing room
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Prior to the examination, you will be asked to remove metal objects and jewelry.in the dressing room you will be given a cabin to store your personal items
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You will then receive an explanation about the procedure by the medical staff
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If necessary, the doctor opens a vein that is used to inject contrast agent during the test
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Prior to the examination, you will receive ear-plugs and/or ear-phones. A coil will be placed on the part of your body that is to be scanned, and you will be asked to lie on a padded table that will move to position your body in the center of the apparatus. During the course of the examination, you will hear noises . These sounds are normal, and are not harmful in any way.
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At the end of the study, you shall be taken back to the office, where you are to wait for a disk with all of the images.

What clothing is recommended for the examination?
It is recommended to wear light cotton clothing. Clothing with metal parts such as zippers, metal snaps or buttons, and clothing with synthetic fibers, cannot be worn during the examination. In any event, patients will be offered a cotton gown to wear during the examination.
Are there any restrictions to performing an MRI?
Yes, for this reason and for your safety, our professional staff will interview you by telephone and in person before the examination. Therefore, the questions must be answered as accurately as possible.
Is it required to have a referral from a physician?
Yes, with the exception of a breast MRI that is performed privately. This does not require a physician’s referral, but only the results of an up-to-date mammogram.
What are the restrictions that would prevent an MRI examination?
An MRI examination is not recommended if there is any metallic device or substance in your body, such as an implanted pacemaker, a stimulator, any electronic or electrical device that cannot be removed, or any other metallic substance. Nevertheless, each case is assessed individually, and therefore, it must be ensured that in each such case, your physici
Can pregnant women undergo an MRI examination?
Throughout their pregnancy, pregnant women can undergo MRI examinations, provided that they do not include injection of a contrast agent.
Is an MRI examination painful?
No. An MRI is a non-invasive examination, and therefore is not painful. The contrast agent injected prior to the examination involves a simple prick like any regular injection. In any event, there is an intercom that is active throughout the examination in case of any discomfort.
Does an MRI examination involve radiation?
No. The scanner is based on magnetic resonance and radio waves, not on x-rays. Therefore, there is no danger whatsoever of ionizing radiation
How long does it take to perform an MRI examination?
A single MRI examination lasts 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the type of examination.
Does an MRI examination have any side effects that appear after the examination?
There are no known side effects from an MRI examination or from the contrast agent (gadolinium).
What is the contrast agent?
Gadolinium, the contrast agent, has magnetic properties that can be utilized to [enhance images of] [highlight] certain blood vessels in order to study the nature of the pathological findings. It does not contain iodine and is excreted from the body within 24 hours. Contrary to popular belief, the substance has no harmful effects whatsoever on internal organs such as the liver or kidneys.
When is it necessary to inject a contrast agent?
Injecting a contrast agent is not always necessary, but only when the radiologist or technician deem that the injection is necessary for diagnosis. The physician’s referral contains information on the patient’s state of health and on the purpose of the requested examination. The decision whether to use a contrast agent or not is based on this information and on the clinical question.
What does one feel during an MRI examination?
During the examination, the region examined might feel warm. In order to prevent discomfort, the scanner contains a cooling device. You might feel the scanner vibrating while photographing your body. During that time, various knocking noises are heard. Have no fear, before the examination, you will be provided with earphones/earplugs for maximum comfort.
Why does the MRI scanner make noises during the examination?
The knocking sounds occur when the scanner photographs your body, and are produced when the coils in the machine are switched on and off. The switching on and off takes place every few milliseconds, and therefore the knocking sounds are heard. The knocking noise is not harmful, but it could bother some patients. For your comfort, before the examination, you will receive earplugs and/or earphones.
Which parts of the body can be examined using the MRI scanner?
Almost all parts of the body can be examined: head, chest, abdomen, heart, pelvis, joints, limbs, spinal column, and breast. Mor Inside’s breast examinations are more comprehensive and precise, in comparison to other examinations available. Furthermore, our advanced equipment also enables examination of blood vessels in the brain, neck, and body (MRA examination), as well as imaging of the biliary tract and pancreatic ducts (MRCP examination).
Is it necessary to position the entire body inside the MRI scanner for examination purposes?
This depends on the region to be examined, because it has to be in the center of the tunnel. For example, for a knee examination, the knee must be placed in the center of the tunnel, while the upper part of the body would be outside the tunnel.
Is it possible to move inside the MRI scanner?
One must lie still without moving for as long as the knocking sounds are heard. In most MRI examinations, you can move your hands or scratch yourself between scans, when the knocking noise stops. However, it is important not to move the part of the body being examined until the examination is completed. In some thoracic and abdominal examinations, patients are required to hold their breath for 10-25 seconds in order to avoid blurring the picture.
מתי ניתן לקבל את התשובה?
בדיקת ה-MRI שלך תיבדק באופן מעמיק על-ידי אחד הרדיולוגים המומחים של חברת “מור אינסייד”. משום שבדיקת MRI מפיקה הרבה יותר תמונות מאשר כל בדיקה אחרת (רנטגן, CT) לוקח זמן רב יותר לפענח אותם. ניתן לקבל את הפענוח באמצעות אתר האינטרנט לאחר 18 ימי עבודה, או בדואר (במקרים דחופים ועל פי התוויה רפואית ניתן לקבל את התוצאות מוקדם יותר).
Can a companion also come into the examination room?
Yes. The companion must enter the examination room without any metal items (inside or outside the body) or magnetic cards. If all metal items have been removed from the companion, there are no anticipated health or safety risks.
Can infants be breastfed after injection of a contrast agent?
The general guideline is to wait for 24 hours after a contrast agent injection, before breastfeeding. Milk can be expressed before injecting the contrast agent. In addition, our professional staff can always be consulted.